Carlow Presbyterian Church
A reformed Christian church in Carlow town

How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts to me;
My soul is longing and fainting, the courts of the Lord to see.
My heart and flesh, they are singing for joy to the living God;
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts to me.

Even the sparrow finds a home where he can settle down;
And the swallow, she can build a nest where she may lay her young,
Within the courts of the Lord of hosts, my King, my Lord and my God;
And happy are those who are dwelling where the song of praise is sung.

And I’d rather be a doorkeeper and only stay a day,
Than live the life of a sinner and have to stay away.
For the Lord is shining as the sun, and the Lord, He’s like a shield;
And no good thing does He withhold from those who walk His way.
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts to me;
My soul is longing and fainting, the courts of the Lord to see.
My heart and flesh, they are singing for joy to the living God;
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts to me.
Words: Based on Psalm 84
Tune: "The Homes of Donegal" (traditional Irish melody)