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Sunday Worship: each week at 11.30am

Our weekly services are for everyone and last for approximately 60 minutes. 


Our worship usually includes congregational singing, prayers, a talk for the children, the reading of a Bible passage, and the sermon in which we try to discover what God wants to teach us from that passage and ways in which we can apply that lesson to our lives.

We realise that younger children may find sermons difficult to follow, so during that part of the service we usually run a Children's Church in another room where they can look at Bible stories and discover learn from them in a ways which are more suited to their age.

At the conclusion of the service everyone is invited to stay for tea/coffee and biscuits and a chat as well.

Midweek Fellowship on Wednesdays at 7.30pm 

Our Midweek Fellowship meetings usually  begin with a time of praise when we sing some of our favourite songs and maybe learn some new ones as well. We then have an interactive Bible study on a passage of Scripture when we consider how best we could faithfully apply its teaching to our own lives. We finish with an open time of prayer as we seek God's blessing for ourselves and others as we endeavour to live in a way that pleases Him each day.

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